Match details

Record ID: MM114461.1
Database: emblrelpat Go to original record
Description: Sequence 33 from patent US 10106805.
Taxon: unidentified
Original size: 5234 bp
Patents: US10106805 (lens, espacenet)

View other 5 matches for this record

Method: QL-ELE-00-006 Go to GMOMETHODS record
View in JRC GMO-Matrix
Description:Qualitative PCR method for detection of nopaline synthase terminator (L 00.00-31, 1998).

View other 15527 matches for this method

Predicted amplification details:
Mismatches Gaps From To Strand Amplicon size
0 0 5020 5199 + 180 bp

Amplicon: 180 bp
1     gaatcctgtt gccggtcttg cgatgattat catataattt ctgttgaatt
51    acgttaagca tgaaataatt aacatgtaat gcatgacgta atttatgaga
101   tgggttttta tgattagagt cccgcaatta tacatttaat acgcgataga
151   aaacaaaata tagcgcgcaa actaggataa  

View other 31 matches with an identical amplicon

Primers alignment:
Primer/Probe % Identity Length Mismatches Gaps From To Score
primerA 100.0 20 bp 0 0 1 20 8.54e-09
primerB 100.0 20 bp 0 0 180 161 8.54e-09

Related publications:

Petrillo, M., et al. “JRC GMO-Amplicons: A Collection of Nucleic Acid Sequences Related to Genetically Modified Organisms.” Database (Oxford), vol. 2015 bav101, 30 Sep. 2015, doi:10.1093/database/bav101. 

Angers-Loustau, A., et al. “Using the EURL GMFF Online Bioinformatics Resources: A how-to Guide for Practical JRC GMO-Matrix and JRC GMO-Amplicons Case Uses.” European Commission, Ispra, JRC101853, 2016.