Amplicon details


173 bp
1     ggatctcctg tcatctcacc ttgctcctgc cgagaaagta tccatcatgg
51    ctgatgcaat gcggcggctg catacgcttg atccggctac ctgcccattc
101   gaccaccaag cgaaacatcg catcgagcga gcacgtactc ggatggaagc
151   cggtcttgtc gatcaggatg atc 

An identical amplicon is found in the following matches:

Record ID Database Record description Record length Taxon Method Amplicon size Match details
JN960863.1 nt Mus musculus targeted non-condition... 36630 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960864.1 nt Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 39285 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960865.1 nt Mus musculus targeted non-condition... 37985 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960866.1 nt Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 38802 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960867.1 nt Mus musculus targeted deletion, lac... 37222 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960868.1 nt Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 38194 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960869.1 nt Mus musculus targeted deletion, lac... 37222 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960870.1 nt Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 39933 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960871.1 nt Mus musculus targeted non-condition... 38561 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960872.1 nt Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 37932 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960873.1 nt Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 38131 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960874.1 nt Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 38045 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960875.1 nt Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 38855 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960876.1 nt Mus musculus targeted non-condition... 38837 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960877.1 nt Mus musculus targeted non-condition... 38004 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960878.1 nt Mus musculus targeted deletion, lac... 37222 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960879.1 nt Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 38927 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960880.1 nt Mus musculus targeted non-condition... 38155 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960881.1 nt Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 37997 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN960882.1 nt Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 38027 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View

Related publications:

Petrillo, M., et al. “JRC GMO-Amplicons: A Collection of Nucleic Acid Sequences Related to Genetically Modified Organisms.” Database (Oxford), vol. 2015 bav101, 30 Sep. 2015, doi:10.1093/database/bav101. 

Angers-Loustau, A., et al. “Using the EURL GMFF Online Bioinformatics Resources: A how-to Guide for Practical JRC GMO-Matrix and JRC GMO-Amplicons Case Uses.” European Commission, Ispra, JRC101853, 2016.