Amplicon details


215 bp
1     ctcaccttgc tcctgccgag aaagtatcca tcatggctga tgcaatgcgg
51    cggctgcata cgcttgatcc ggctacctgc ccattcgacc accaagcgaa
101   acatcgcatc gagcgagcac gtactcggat ggaagccggt cttgtcgatc
151   aggatgatct ggacgaagag catcaggggc tcgcgccagc cgaactgttc
201   gccaggctca aggcg 

An identical amplicon is found in the following matches:

Record ID Database Record description Record length Taxon Method Amplicon size Match details
LY716845.1 emblrelpat KR 1020190095088-A/5: BIOACTIVE SUB... 6330 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY718246.1 emblrelpat KR 1020190090359-A/16: MESENCHYMAL ... 795 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
MO695143.1 emblrelpat Sequence 28 from patent US 10538786. 795 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
MO740975.1 emblrelpat Sequence 1 from patent US 10543260. 2999 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY803195.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200022970-A/9: Production me... 795 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY817721.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200005721-A/1: ENVELOPED VIR... 6606 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY820516.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200018345-A/30: NOVEL CRISPR... 5311 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY820517.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200018345-A/31: NOVEL CRISPR... 4926 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY820518.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200018345-A/32: NOVEL CRISPR... 5267 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY822234.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200018364-A/31: NOVEL CRISPR... 4926 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY822235.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200018364-A/32: NOVEL CRISPR... 5267 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY824500.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200005552-A/4: RECOMBINANT B... 1722 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY824502.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200005552-A/7: RECOMBINANT B... 1722 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY824504.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200005552-A/10: RECOMBINANT ... 1722 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY824522.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200005552-A/42: RECOMBINANT ... 1722 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY828024.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200015900-A/19: SELF-INACTIV... 17680 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY828025.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200015900-A/20: SELF-INACTIV... 15678 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY829668.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200006557-A/5: COMPOSITIONS ... 800 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
LY829672.1 emblrelpat KR 1020200006557-A/10: COMPOSITIONS... 2999 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View
MO887443.1 emblrelpat Sequence 3 from patent US 10561719. 9064 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-002 215 bp View

Related publications:

Petrillo, M., et al. “JRC GMO-Amplicons: A Collection of Nucleic Acid Sequences Related to Genetically Modified Organisms.” Database (Oxford), vol. 2015 bav101, 30 Sep. 2015, doi:10.1093/database/bav101. 

Angers-Loustau, A., et al. “Using the EURL GMFF Online Bioinformatics Resources: A how-to Guide for Practical JRC GMO-Matrix and JRC GMO-Amplicons Case Uses.” European Commission, Ispra, JRC101853, 2016.