Amplicon details


180 bp
1     gaatcctgtt gccggtcttg cgatgattat catataattt ctgttgaatt
51    acgttaagca tgtaataatt aacatgtaat gcatgacgtt atttatgaga
101   tgggttttta tgattagagt cccgcaatta tacatttaat acgcgataga
151   aaacaaaata tagcgcgcaa actaggataa  

An identical amplicon is found in the following matches:

Record ID Database Record description Record length Taxon Method Amplicon size Match details
HV941120.1 emblrelpat JP 2012152214-A/525: COMPOSITIONS A... 7096 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
LF138712.1 emblrelpat JP 2016507240-A/77: Manipulation of... 3645 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
CQ814630.1 emblrelpat Sequence 21 from Patent WO2004039986. 9356 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
LF138713.1 emblrelpat JP 2016507240-A/78: Manipulation of... 3251 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
HW328078.1 emblrelpat JP 2013531971-A/1533: Compositions ... 10168 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
LF138714.1 emblrelpat JP 2016507240-A/79: Manipulation of... 3365 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
LF138715.1 emblrelpat JP 2016507240-A/80: Manipulation of... 3613 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
HW328078.1 emblrelpat JP 2013531971-A/1533: Compositions ... 10168 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
LF138716.1 emblrelpat JP 2016507240-A/81: Manipulation of... 3445 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
CQ814630.1 emblrelpat Sequence 21 from Patent WO2004039986. 9356 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
MO168280.1 emblrelpat Sequence 46 from patent US 10337022. 2732 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
AX093015.1 emblrelpat Sequence 20 from Patent WO0118192. 9390 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
HW328079.1 emblrelpat JP 2013531971-A/1534: Compositions ... 11698 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
LF138719.1 emblrelpat JP 2016507240-A/84: Manipulation of... 3645 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
HW328079.1 emblrelpat JP 2013531971-A/1534: Compositions ... 11698 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
HK083118.1 emblrelpat Sequence 6074 from patent US 8809059. 8588 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
CQ821161.1 emblrelpat Sequence 12 from Patent WO2004046359. 8573 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
LF138721.1 emblrelpat JP 2016507240-A/86: Manipulation of... 4445 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
AX093016.1 emblrelpat Sequence 21 from Patent WO0118192. 10003 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
LF138722.1 emblrelpat JP 2016507240-A/87: Manipulation of... 3645 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View

Related publications:

Petrillo, M., et al. “JRC GMO-Amplicons: A Collection of Nucleic Acid Sequences Related to Genetically Modified Organisms.” Database (Oxford), vol. 2015 bav101, 30 Sep. 2015, doi:10.1093/database/bav101. 

Angers-Loustau, A., et al. “Using the EURL GMFF Online Bioinformatics Resources: A how-to Guide for Practical JRC GMO-Matrix and JRC GMO-Amplicons Case Uses.” European Commission, Ispra, JRC101853, 2016.