Amplicon details


180 bp
1     gaatcctgtt gccggtcttg cgatgattat catataattt ctgttgaatt
51    acgttaagca tgtaataatt aacatgtaat gcatgacgtt atttatgaga
101   tgggttttta tgattagagt cccgcaatta tacatttaat acgcgataga
151   aaacaaaata tagcgcgcaa actaggataa  

An identical amplicon is found in the following matches:

Record ID Database Record description Record length Taxon Method Amplicon size Match details
KX510272.1 nt Plant expression vector pCB302 LIC,... 5003 bp Plant expression vector pCB302 LIC QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
JC740254.1 emblrelpat Sequence 24 from Patent EP2760882. 3465 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
NRN_AX765972 nrnl1 Sequence 58 from Patent WO02097097.... 2505 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
JC740259.1 emblrelpat Sequence 29 from Patent EP2760882. 3525 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
AX093002.1 emblrelpat Sequence 7 from Patent WO0118192. 6017 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
JC740261.1 emblrelpat Sequence 31 from Patent EP2760882. 6861 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
JC740262.1 emblrelpat Sequence 32 from Patent EP2760882. 5555 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
DD448757.1 emblrelpat Methods and means for increasing th... 12987 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
JC740266.1 emblrelpat Sequence 36 from Patent EP2760882. 5555 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
HV941104.1 emblrelpat JP 2012152214-A/509: COMPOSITIONS A... 9574 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
JC740270.1 emblrelpat Sequence 40 from Patent EP2760882. 5504 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
KY000046.1 nt Agrobacterium genomosp. 1 strain CF... 178205 bp Agrobacterium tumefaciens QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
JC740277.1 emblrelpat Sequence 47 from Patent EP2760882. 3465 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
CQ792393.1 emblrelpat Sequence 138 from Patent WO2004020642. 5549 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
JC740282.1 emblrelpat Sequence 52 from Patent EP2760882. 6745 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
AX093003.1 emblrelpat Sequence 8 from Patent WO0118192. 6767 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
JC740283.1 emblrelpat Sequence 53 from Patent EP2760882. 3495 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
JC740287.1 emblrelpat Sequence 57 from Patent EP2760882. 3444 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
NRN_AX093046 nrnl1 Sequence 51 from Patent WO0118192. ... 15208 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View
JC740292.1 emblrelpat Sequence 62 from Patent EP2760882. 6739 bp synthetic construct QL-ELE-00-006 180 bp View

Related publications:

Petrillo, M., et al. “JRC GMO-Amplicons: A Collection of Nucleic Acid Sequences Related to Genetically Modified Organisms.” Database (Oxford), vol. 2015 bav101, 30 Sep. 2015, doi:10.1093/database/bav101. 

Angers-Loustau, A., et al. “Using the EURL GMFF Online Bioinformatics Resources: A how-to Guide for Practical JRC GMO-Matrix and JRC GMO-Amplicons Case Uses.” European Commission, Ispra, JRC101853, 2016.