Amplicon details


173 bp
1     ggatctcctg tcatctcacc ttgctcctgc cgagaaagta tccatcatgg
51    ctgatgcaat gcggcggctg catacgcttg atccggctac ctgcccattc
101   gaccaccaag cgaaacatcg catcgagcga gcacgtactc ggatggaagc
151   cggtcttgtc gatcaggatg atc 

An identical amplicon is found in the following matches:

Record ID Database Record description Record length Taxon Method Amplicon size Match details
NRN_AR235456 nrnl1 Sequence 3 from patent US 6461606. 7054 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AX036256 nrnl1 Sequence 5 from Patent EP1043399. ... 8649 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR214675 nrnl1 Sequence 22 from patent US 6410220. 6795 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN948484.1 emblreltgn Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 38170 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AX036255 nrnl1 Sequence 4 from Patent EP1043399. ... 7989 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
DQ449896.1 nt Uncultured bacterium clone K040 tra... 731 bp uncultured bacterium QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
JN948485.1 emblreltgn Mus musculus targeted KO-first, con... 38081 bp Mus musculus QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR214676 nrnl1 Sequence 23 from patent US 6410220.... 9093 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR581353 nrnl1 Sequence 15 from patent US 6790657.... 1411 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR341278 nrnl1 Sequence 1 from patent US 6573091. 9145 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR214668 nrnl1 Sequence 15 from patent US 6410220. 6359 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR174859 nrnl1 Sequence 5 from patent US 6307123. 3694 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR409004 nrnl1 Sequence 1 from patent US 6632671. 6232 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR341280 nrnl1 Sequence 3 from patent US 6573091. 8574 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR143734 nrnl1 Sequence 26 from patent US 6204436.... 671 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AX472297 nrnl1 Sequence 7 from Patent WO02052015. ... 8638 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR209001 nrnl1 Sequence 8 from patent US 6384207. ... 10160 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR428934 nrnl1 Sequence 4 from patent US 6642353. ... 6338 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR214667 nrnl1 Sequence 14 from patent US 6410220. 8657 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View
NRN_AR174856 nrnl1 Sequence 2 from patent US 6307123. 3336 bp unidentified QL-ELE-00-003 173 bp View

Related publications:

Petrillo, M., et al. “JRC GMO-Amplicons: A Collection of Nucleic Acid Sequences Related to Genetically Modified Organisms.” Database (Oxford), vol. 2015 bav101, 30 Sep. 2015, doi:10.1093/database/bav101. 

Angers-Loustau, A., et al. “Using the EURL GMFF Online Bioinformatics Resources: A how-to Guide for Practical JRC GMO-Matrix and JRC GMO-Amplicons Case Uses.” European Commission, Ispra, JRC101853, 2016.