ID QT-EVE-BN-006; SV 0; linear; genomic DNA; STS; SYN; 113 BP. XX AC ACS-BN001-4; XX DT 22-NOV-2011 DT 13-JUN-2007 XX DE Quantitative PCR method for detection of oilseed rape event RF1 (verified by the EU-RL GMFF in the context of Commission Decision 2007/305/EC) XX KW event_specific, EU-RL_GMFF_in-house_verified. XX OS Brassica napus (oilseed rape) - event RF1 (ACS-BN001-4) XX RN [1] RP 1-113 RA Mazzara M.,; RT "In-house Validation of an Event-specific Method for the Quantification of Oilseed Rape RF1 Using Real-time PCR - Validation Report and Protocol"; RL Online Publication (2011). RX EURL_GMFF=CRLVL0904 VR.pdf RX EURL_GMFF=CRLVL0904 VP.pdf XX RN [2] RP 1-113 RT "PCR reactions set up and amplification conditions"; RL Online Publication (2011). RX PCR=QT-EVE-BN-006.pdf XX DR GMOMETHODS; QT-TAX-BN-012; XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT STS 1..113 FT /standard_name="PCR 113 bp amplicon" FT /note="event-specific RT-PCR" FT /target="5'integration border region (IBR) between the insert of oilseed rape event RF1 and the oilseed rape host genome"; FT primer_bind 1..22 FT /standard_name="Primer forward: MDB118" FT /note="CTAAGGGAGGTCAAGATGTAGC" FT /target="5'-host genome" FT primer_bind 66..92 FT /standard_name="RT-PCR probe: TM022" FT /note="FAM-CTCATCATCCTCACCCAGTCAGCATCA-TAMRA" FT primer_bind complement(94..113) FT /standard_name="Primer reverse: KVM170" FT /note="CGGGCCTAACTTTTGGTGTG" FT /target="insert" XX SQ Sequence 113 BP; 31 A; 35 C; 23 G; 24 T; 0 other; ctaagggagg tcaagatgta gcnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn 60 nnnnnctcat catcctcacc cagtcagcat cancacacca aaagttaggc ccg 113 //