ID QT-TAX-GM-009; SV 0; linear; genomic DNA; STD; PLN; 105 BP. XX AC ; XX DT 06-JUN-2008 DT 28-OCT-2010 XX DE Quantitative PCR method for detection of soybean lectin gene DE (Mazzara et al., 2007). XX KW taxon_specific, validated_in_combination. XX OS Glycine max (soybean) XX RN [1] RP 1-105 RA Mazzara M., Charles Delobel C., Grazioli E., Larcher S., Savini C., Van Den Eede G.; RT "Event-Specific Method for the Quantification of Soybean Line A2704-12 Using Real-Time PCR- Validation Report and Protocol - Soybean Seeds Sampling and DNA Extraction"; RL Online Publication (2007). RX DOI=10.2788/28149 XX RN [2] RP 1-105 RT "See Cross-references below"; RL Online Publication (2010). XX DR GMOMETHODS; QT-EVE-GM-004; XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT STS 1..105 FT /standard_name="PCR 105 bp amplicon" FT /note="taxon-specific RT-PCR for soybean" FT /target="lectin (Le1) gene" FT primer_bind 1..23 FT /standard_name="Primer forward: KVM164" FT /note="CACCTTTCTCGCACCAATTGACA" FT /target="Le1" FT misc_difference 2..3 FT /note="Two mismatches found: 1338th and 1339th nucleotide, based on the sequence coming from EMBL record with accession number K00821, is T and T, respectively. 2nd and 3rd nucleotide, based on CRL dossier concerning GMO event A2704-12 Soybean, is A and C, respectively." FT primer_bind 29..54 FT /standard_name="RT-PCR probe: TM021" FT /note="FAM-CCACAAACACATGCAGGTTATCTTGG-TAMRA" FT primer_bind complement(86..105) FT /standard_name="Primer reverse: KVM165" FT /note="TCAAACTCAACAGCGACGAC" FT /target="Le1" XX SQ Sequence 105 BP; 15 A; 18 C; 14 G; 22 T; 36 other; cttctttctc gcaccaattg acannnnncc acaaacacat gcaggttatc ttggnnnnnn 60 nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn nnnnngtcgt cgctgttgag tttga 105 //